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Remote Work
Nov 8, 2022

Freelancers vs team extension – why freelancers always lose


James Wondrasek James Wondrasek

IF you’re an SMB that needs to step up technically, either by building an app, creating a website or even just updating your online presence, this article might save you from freelancer frustration.

As an SMB you’re always at a disadvantage when it comes to tech. You can’t afford to have the expertise you need in house, and hiring freelancers is an exercise in frustration. How are you to stand out in your market, or even compete in it, when tech is now a major factor in success?

We’re going to fill you in on the advantages of a team extension versus hiring freelancers. And you’re going to be glad you’ve learned about it.

What is a team extension?

A team extension is basically remote workers as a service. A team extension can be a single software developer working a few hours a week to a full stack dev team numbering in the dozens.

What differentiates a team extension from outsourcing is that the members of your team extension report directly to you and they are integrated with your in house team, tools and systems. They attend meetings (virtually), they work directly on your projects, and, if they are full time, they work only on your project.

One of the biggest benefits of the team extension is that you have the full support of your team extension service provider. They want you to succeed with their team members as much as you do.

How is hiring for a team extension different from hiring freelancers?

Hiring freelancers requires you to become an expert in IT recruitment. Choosing the wrong freelance software developer can sabotage your plans.

When hiring for a team extension you are hiring out of a proven talent pool with a track record of helping businesses like yours build apps and websites and keep their tech infrastructure running.

With hundreds of completed projects under their belts, your service provider knows the skill set you need and can help you estimate the hours or headcount as well. They are also able to put forward proven candidates for you to interview and pick from.

And unlike with a freelancer, if someone doesn’t work out you don’t lose time or code. You can work with your service provider to rapidly replace them and keep moving forward.

A team extension builds your product, a freelancer sells you code

This is a subtle but important difference. A team extension really is an extension of your team. They’re like employees working out of a different office. They’re output is your output. At all times you have complete visibility into their progress and the work they’ve completed.

Freelance software developers, for good reasons, tend to deny access to any code they’ve written for you until they have been paid in full. There might be online demos they’ve built for you to comment on, but the code remains untouchable.

This gives your project a “bus factor” of 1. Which is how many people need to be hit by a bus to derail your project. Or how many people need to get sick or get sick of the project, to derail it.

With a team extension you have an entire organisation supporting you and your team members. All the code being written is yours and is always accessible. You don’t need to worry about “bus factor”.

Your team extension, and you, get cost and management support

Another major benefit of a team extension is that you get the increase in headcount and productivity without the increase in office space, resources and HR burden.

Your team extension members work out of the service provider’s offices. They supply the workspace and the equipment. They also provide all of the HR and employee support services required. This includes all kinds of work management, training and personal support.

The situation for you is not unlike becoming a team leader where upper management is devoted to helping you get the results you need. You have a second level of oversight to help you successfully negotiate all the challenges of the increased headcount.

What could you build with your dream team?

If you’ve been unable to move forward on the app or website that your business needs because of the challenges in hiring developers, we hope this article has opened some doors for you.

You can build the app or website you need. You can do it while minimising the risks by adopting the team extension model.

If you want to discuss extending your team with some of our talented developers don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.


James Wondrasek James Wondrasek


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