About UsModern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

Company Overview & Operations

SoftwareSeni is a leader in supplying staff to organisations globally as an extension of their product, engineering, quality assurance and support teams.

  • Human Resources: Recruitment and training services
  • Marketing: Media advertising and market research services
  • Professional Services: Advisory and consultancy services
  • Facilities Management: Maintenance and cleaning services
  • Technology: External data centers, data providers, IT infrastructure, hardware suppliers, cybersecurity services, and software vendors.

Commitment Against Modern Slavery

  • Recognizing modern slavery as a heinous crime and a severe violation of basic human rights, SoftwareSeni is committed to eradicating forms such as servitude, forced labor, and human trafficking, all of which involve exploiting individuals for personal or commercial benefits.
  • SoftwareSeni adopts a strict policy of zero tolerance towards modern slavery in its operations and supply chains.
  • This policy is applicable to:
    • All individuals working in any capacity for or on behalf of SoftwareSeni, including employees, directors, officers, temporary staff, volunteers, interns, and agents.
    • Our contractors, consultants, agencies, third-party representatives, and business partners (“Suppliers”).

Our commitments include:

  • Upholding ethical practices and integrity in all business transactions and relationships.
  • Implementing robust systems and controls to prevent modern slavery in our business and supply chains.
  • Maintaining transparency in our efforts to combat modern slavery, aligning with our disclosure responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We maintain high standards for our suppliers, incorporating anti-slavery clauses in our contracts and expecting them to uphold similar standards with their suppliers.

Recognizing Modern Slavery

  • Potential areas for modern slavery include our business, supply chains, and outsourced activities.
  • Victims of modern slavery may not always recognize their exploitation. Indicators can include:
    • Lack of personal identification or travel documents
    • Signs of being controlled or instructed by others
    • Reluctance to interact directly when spoken to
    • Regularly being dropped off and collected from work
    • Signs of fear, withdrawal, or limited freedom to communicate with others
    • Restricted social interaction or contact outside their immediate environment

These signs are not exhaustive, and not all may indicate slavery or trafficking.

Policy Management & Adherence

  • The Management team holds overall responsibility for this policy’s compliance with legal and ethical standards.
  • All SoftwareSeni employees and Suppliers are required to adhere to this policy.

Reporting Modern Slavery

  • SoftwareSeni affiliates, including clients, contractors, and suppliers, should report any suspicions or occurrences of modern slavery to a management team member or their primary Softwareseni contact.
  • Reports can also be made directly to our leadership team, where appropriate.

Policy Violations

  • SoftwareSeni reserves the right to terminate relationships with any party found in violation of this policy.

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55 Pyrmont Bridge Road
Pyrmont, NSW, 2009

55 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Pyrmont, NSW, 2009, Australia

+61 2-8123-0997



Plaza Indonesia, 5th Level Unit
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30
Jakarta 10350

Plaza Indonesia, 5th Level Unit E021AB, Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30, Jakarta 10350, Indonesia

+62 858-6514-9577



Jl. Banda No. 30
Bandung 40115

Jl. Banda No. 30, Bandung 40115, Indonesia

+62 858-6514-9577



Unit A & B
Jl. Prof. Herman Yohanes No.1125, Terban, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223

Unit A & B Jl. Prof. Herman Yohanes No.1125, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223, Indonesia

+62 274-4539660